Cactus Club Cafe Holiday Party at Bar Buca in Toronto
We had such a blast at the holiday party for Cactus Club Cafe. We photograph a lot of corporate parties and it’s always interesting to see the “personality” (aka work culture) of various companies. The staff at the Toronto location of Cactus Club Cafe are young, energetic, stylish and easy going. It took them about 30 minutes to warm up to us but shortly after they were returning for more shots, grabbing different co-workers and getting creative in front of our lens. The party itself was on the small side with only 40-ish people. It was held at the beautiful Bar Buca in downtown Toronto which doesn’t open its doors very often for private parties but made the exception for the Cactus Club Cafe folks. Truth be told, this was one of the smallest venues we’ve had to set up our studio at but we made it work by tweaking and compacting things down without sacrificing the technical necessities in order for us to capture our signature style of imagery. Keeping close to the bar, our portrait station / photo booth was a great extension of people grabbing a drink, chatting it up and then jumping in for a photo.
Thanks for having us, Cactus Club Cafe! And thank you to the staff at Bar Buca for the wonderful hospitality, help and wonderful service.
Interested in having us at your next corporate party? Get in touch.