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Amanda + Collin’s Wedding at Eglinton Theatre


We’ve been doing this for a while now and have also seem our spectrum of sessions from amazing to pretty terrible. When you’re in the industry of service usually the customers have no idea either way. In any case, Amanda and Collin’s wedding session was definitely situated on the spectrum of AMAZING. There a tonne of things that we can control from our preparedness, equipment redundancy, training and efficiency which helps make a session more successful. There are other factors that we cannot really control, like the type of “vibe” a certain crowd has. If they’re responsive to our style of shooting, dig our signature black and white portraits or even receptive to the way we handle the customer service aspect (like answering questions and such). Amanda and Collin’s guests were absolutely fantastic! Photogenic, happy, easy to manage and so receptive to us in all regards. Of course, the happy couple are also drop-dead-gorgeous which makes our jobs 100% easier too! 

Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto

We were set up right in the lobby of the Eglinton Grand so guests could easily access us as they were going outside or to the washrooms. The area was spacious and conducive to our workflow. The last time we were there, we had set up during cocktails on the mezzanine, which made for a different type of session. Guests flowed in front of our camera near non-stop for two hours and they brought on the fun.

Congrats to Amanda and Collin!

Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Elginton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto
Collin and Amanda’s wedding at Eglinton Grand, Toronto



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